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About us

We are a brand which has been born into pleasure nature. It's time to create a new feeling.

After pandemic

Our Beginning

Before making donut flan, we were selling topping donuts for Rp 10,000/3pcs to pair with our coffees. But topping donut is already too common. So we began crafting new kind of donuts with flan. And to make it less sweet, we made a decision that may change the course history of donut flan, which is to lengthily process the flan with pure cream milk instead of using condensed milk. In essence, we make expensive rich pure cream milk flan affordable at the price of condensed milk flan. The people are utterly in love with the taste as it is more pronounced to the richness of the cream. And so the donut flan revolution began and everyone started to repeat order by dozens!

The perfect donut for you to feel special again!

Crafted to Perfection

We only make one thing best and it is donut flan. Oflan is the first donut flan in Indonesia, the softest donut with feel special again tasty flan and cream filling. We have sold more than 36689 donuts online in 5 months. Upon developing our flagship product, we accidentally invented the process of making affordable pure cream milk flan but tasted the best. Our flan may as well be the best and the only one in the world which is made without condensed milk but with our own proprietary process of producing pure cream milk. Our customers claimed that after eating Oflan due to the richness of the flan, their moods increased significantly. Oflan has gone viral after 1 month we started selling online and got published organically by the biggest Indonesian online news site detikfood.

Our team is here for you

Jevin Suryadi

Company Director
"Profit in business comes from repeat customers; customers that boast about your product and outstanding service"

Imas Nurmalasari

Head of Production
"Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’t simply recommend you, they insist that their friends work with you."


Customer Support
"Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves."
puas banget deh belanja disiniπŸ’– rasa donat nya enak , pengiriman cepat dan nyaris dihabisin donatnya sama anak2 karena waktu paket sampai dirumah, saya masih otw kembali kerumah 🀭. terima kasih ya Oflan, next order lagi πŸ‘
Jakarta, ID
enak pake banggeeddd, donatnya empuuukk bgt, baru ini makan donat se-empuk ini, trus flan nya jg gak terlalu manis, jd gak eneg. Perpaduan yg paaasss bgt. Syukaaaa.....
Jakarta, ID

In the press

Pengiriman dari Third Coffee Jl Bangka Raya No 18E Jak Sel

instant, sameday, paxel

Bisa Pickup

JakSel, Jaktim, dan Bekasi

Donat Tahan 1-2 Hari

di suhu ruang

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